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Hi there…
My name is Colleen Girard, I’m the Executive Secretary for the association. If you have any questions about the association, your membership, or its benefits please email us at or call us at 888.291.6551 x411. We will be happy to assist you.
Legislative News!
The current session is over check back next session…
What To Do Right Now!
Call PORAC (Peace Officers Research Association of California) on WORK PHONE 1-800-255-5610 1-888-556-5631 (24/7 line, answering service with call back usually in 15 minutes) Call your local ASTA Representative (WORK PHONE) Link to all representatives with contact...
Need Admin Legal help?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived...
2020 Memorial Golf Classic
By Jimmy Chavez, Golf Committee Chairman Our 29th Annual AZTroopers Memorial Golf Classic was held on September 13th, 2020 at The Legacy Golf Resort located at 6808 S. 32nd Street, Phoenix, AZ. We partnered with Gateway Golf Group again this year and they did an...
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