About Us

Our Story

“Serving DPS and Arizona for over 60 years…”

AZTroopers membership is made up of entirely of DPS employees and retirees, sworn and civilian, and is the only organization that represents only DPS employees. AZTroopers Board is composed of sworn, civilian, and retiree leaders working together for the benefit of all DPS employees, its retirees, the DPS and the State of Arizona. AZTroopers is a labor organization which continues to assist members with benefits such as life and cancer insurance, legal services, and financial planning. Another one of the association’s main functions is to provide financial assistance to families of officers killed in the line of duty. AZTroopers also offers scholarships to members and their dependents to Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona.

In addition, AZTroopers has grown to be a powerful lobbying organization in the state legislature. AZTroopers is constantly reviewing and testifying on behalf of law enforcement related issues at each legislative session. Several years ago, AZTroopers became a PAC (Political Action Committee), offering support to those candidates who support and further the interests of the association and the Department of Public Safety (DPS). The association has been extremely instrumental in obtaining new legislation to benefit DPS employees as well as Arizona’s residents.

The association provides support for the DPS Explorer Program, Special Olympics, the Uniformed Safety Educational Officer’s Workshop, the Make–A-Wish Foundation, and educational programs for children such as “Bumper” The Talking Patrol Car and DARE. The association also sponsors a yearly program known as the Christmas Patrol Bear Program, where DPS officers statewide converge at their local hospitals to spend time with ill and injured children in the hospital at Christmas time.

“I am excited to have the opportunity to serve the membership in this capacity. As we move forward, we will continue to strive to offer the membership quality representation and services.


I commit my energy and talents to this great organization and look forward to the challenge. I am eager to hear from the membership what ways to best serve you and your familes.

-Jeff Hawkins, President 

Legal Protections
Insurance Solutions
Hardships & Scholarhips

Supporting our members …

We are a 501(c)(5) non-profit public service organization whose mission is to represent the collective interest of our members in matters involving compensation, benefits, and retirement security.

Our Board of Directors…



Jeffery Hawkins

Executive Vice-President


Tim Kvochick

Vice President - Northern Districts

Representative - District 12


David Stopke

Vice President - Southern Districts


John Rodriguez

Vice President - Central Districts



Nicholas Westbrook




Josh Davis

Executive Officer


Kevin McNichols

Recording Secretary



Sabrina Orta


Representative - Majors and Captains

Tim Wiedemann


Representative - District 01


Jonathon Otto


Representative - District 02


Mark Haughey


Representative - District 03


Clay Hensley


Representative - District 04

Karl Bowers


Representative - District 06


Denver Green


Representative - Metro Motors

Sherman Cobb


Representative - District 08


Nathan Weese


Representative - District 09


James Wiedemann


Representative - District 11


Evan Larson


Representative - District 16


Rob Richardson


Representative - District 12

Tyler Langmack


Representative - District 17

Edgar Preciado


Representative - District 19

Jeff Adams

Golf Committee Chairman



Jason Covert


Representative - Metro - East


Frank Maksimuk


Representative - Metro - South


Sam Chacon


Representative - ACTIC


Ryan Timmerman


Representative - WSB


Royal Mann


Representative - Aviation


Bryan Bissonnette


Representative - CI - North


Jason Lord


Representative - CI - South


Juan Fernandez


Representative - CVETF Division

Chris Nelson

Bass Committee Chairman

Representative - Retired Sworn Northern


Scott Stoeckel


Representative - Retired Civilian


Stephen Powles


Representative - Civilian Central 2


Tony Blaksley


Representative - Civilian Central 1


Alana Lewandowski


Representative - Capitol PD/South


Jeff Jarvis


Representative - Civilian Aviation

Richard Ellis

Special Projects

Charities Liaison


Beverly Fuller


Museum Representative

Dennis McNulty


Representative - Civilian Professional Staff South


Charlie Serino

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