Proudly serving DPS employees and the citizens of Arizona LEARN MORESince 1958…
AZTroopers membership is made up of entirely of DPS employees and retirees, sworn and civilian, and is the only organization that represents only DPS employees. AZTroopers Board is composed of sworn, civilian, and retiree leaders working together for the benefit of all DPS employees, its retirees, the DPS and the State of Arizona. AZTroopers is a labor organization which continues to assist members with benefits such as life and cancer insurance, legal services, and financial planning. Another one of the association’s main functions is to provide financial assistance to families of officers killed in the line of duty. AZTroopers also offers scholarships to members and their dependents to Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona.
In addition, AZTroopers has grown to be a powerful lobbying organization in the state legislature. AZTroopers is constantly reviewing and testifying on behalf of law enforcement related issues at each legislative session. Several years ago, AZTroopers became a PAC (Political Action Committee), offering support to those candidates who support and further the interests of the association and the Department of Public Safety (DPS). The association has been extremely instrumental in obtaining new legislation to benefit DPS employees as well as Arizona’s residents.
Political Activities
One of the most important goals of the Arizona State Troopers Association is to protect the interest of DPS employees at the State level. One way we do this is by supporting and endorsing candidates that we feel will help us meet those goals. If you are a candidate or represent a campaign that you feel has issues in common or certain synergies with AZTROOPERS and our stated goals then we’d like to hear from you.
Member Satisfaction
Why choose
- Benefits 75%
- Legal Coverage 95%
- Charity Work 85%
- Representation Locally 100%
Civilian Employees
Serving Arizona since the beginning...
In 1931, because of concern regarding the growing number of accidents and unlicensed vehicles on its highways, the Arizona Highway Patrol was instituted as a branch of the Arizona Highway Department. The initial force was limited to a superintendent, 14 patrolmen and one desk sergeant.
Providing a voice and support
FOR our members and their families



2021 Legislative Agenda
One of the primary objectives of the Arizona State Troopers Association is to protect the interest of DPS and our employees at the State and local level. The Arizona State Legislature began its 55th session on January 11, 2021. There were over 1700 bills introduced, the most in history. Here are some of the law-enforcement-related bills that were introduced and are were monitored by AZTROOPERS and our lobbyist, Compass Strategies.
Explore our gift shop...
We know how hard you work. Our products are meticiulously designed to support you and your busy lifestyle.
A Memorial created to pay tribute...
We encourage you to stop and take a moment to look at the statue, walk around the base and take note of the artist’s work, handcrafting and the tribute to our officers, and also the memorial walls that show honor and love to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Making Service to others a priority...
AZTROOPERS Charities allow us to help our members and other charitable organizations in multiple ways. We offer scholarships, hardship relief, food services, water, Christmas bears for children, and many other things for those in need.

Alcoholics Anonymous
We are a resource center that offers a 24/7 confidential helpline, as well as an extensive list of local AA meetings in every state,